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Feedback and Complaints

At NT Friendship & Support we are dedicated to assisting the people we work with and the public in a friendly, courteous manner.


However, if you feel your dealings with us has resulted in  a negative experience please follow the procedure outlined below. 


We also have a brochure and easy to read brochure 


My complaint is about.... 
NT Friendship & Support or EqualiTEA

All complaints may be directed in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, Tina Clerke, at

All complaints go through our set process and are reported to the Board of Management. 


Territory Families

Territory Families

Contact: 1800 750 167

Or email:


Children’s Commissioner 

Contactable at or phone 08 8999 6076.



Appeals may be directed to the Ombudsman on phone 08 8999 1818 or via emailat


NDIS Services
If your complaint is regarding an NDIS service provided by us, please contact:
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

P: 1800 035 544



Contact Advocacy Services

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Central Australia:


Anything else?

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the Feedback and Complaints Process please contact NT Friendship & Support:

Phone: 08 8971 0027



Or visit on of our offices located at:


Katherine: 126 Victoria Highway, Katherine

Alice Springs: 9 Undoolya Road, Alice Springs

Darwin: 17/16 Charlton Court, Woolner

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